Detailed information
The elements which we use to build wooden houses are made of best material, which is KVH wood. Main advantage of this wood is homogeneous structure guaranteeing strength, structure stability and protection against hurricanes. Moreover, it is additionally dried. Due to this, its humidity guarantees maintaining original dimensions and shapes. KVH wood that we use is professionally classified with the use of machines. According to this classification, wooden elements are assigned with classes. Moreover, a building made of prefabricated KVH wood will be functional in summer by offering soothing chill and pleasant warm in winter.
Our houses are characterized with great thermal parameters due to which they are energy-efficient. Wójcik houses meet all energy-efficient standards. Heat transfer coefficient of our houses is way lower than permissible standard values.
Frame technology enable to reduce costs concerning heating considerably. It is hardly obtainable in case of traditional brick houses. Wooden houses are perfectly adaptable to the newest CH and ventilation systems. Another advantage of wooden house over a brick one is that the interior heats up way faster at low energy consumption.
Cross sections
Below, we present cross sections of walls, ceilings and roof according to our company’s proposal.